live in a time when the naturalistic/zoological
language underlying the mechanistic description
of nature, along with the informational/interpretative
one involved in the operation of understanding
and explaining natural phenomena, have utterly
estranged man from his poetical/evocative
competence, the only one that would enable him
to detach himself from the equivocalness of
events and move on to a higher level, the one
ruled by syntony and symbolic decipherment.
Such a current line of operation, despite its basic perversity, can
actually meet with its own proper sense,
provided that it remains confined to a
materialistic and scientific context - and, even
so, only if we draw all due distinctions between
sacred and profane science 2; but it all turns
into a shady and destructive strategy as soon as
it is applied to reducing the complexity of man
and, more specifically, of his psychic
As for the two critical acceptations of power and force, they
require an acknowledgment of their being
mutually unrelated, even opposite indeed,
regardless of whatever captious synonymy; to
this end, we obviously must restore them to an
absolutely precise discoursive context, to a
rigorous intellectual apparatus - and let’s
point that out, by the term "intellect", we are
not referring to the diánoia, to reason, that
notorious mathematical paradigm of a knowledge
that is neither phenomenal nor subject to
hypotheses, but to the contemplation and the
intuition of relations and of Ideas according to
the noûs, the pure knowledge.

