In recent times, it
have happened that certain primary schools has promoted
“revolutionary” experimentation on urban mobility. It is the
case that pedestrian transfer of students, on their journey
between home and school, were organised in light-hearted
Just as children rediscover school by going there on foot, does the
“Atlante di numeri e lettere” want to walk those “different”
streets, chase “windmills”, solar panels, electric vehicles.
It also seeks, like ordinary friends, entrepreneurs,
institutions, whoever displays the will to do things, to set
himself in motion, |
to experiment, to patent (for
example) one or any of the many ideas that are already
flowing through the already vast audience that surrounds the
story of this process. It is in this light that, among the
other ways available to us, an important project of
bioarchitecture is being developed – within a context of
international cooperation.
And it is a sentiment of thankfulness that is felt
for all those who, whether in great or small part, compete
to promote sustainable development, which is made up of so
many things, not least of which are the fuels that have a
low impact on the environment, be they biological
innovations or the well-known methane. |