Pierluigi Cirilli
Francesco Santandrea |
This paper came after our
previous work entitled Quantized Space Theory (QST)
published in September 1994. In this paper we have stated
that the space should be considered as a “physical being”,
moreover the physical being that is the base from which all
physical phenomena are brought into existence.
The following paragraphs expose briefly the results of our
experimentation, our studies and analysis over all
experimental data and over the laboratory experimentation.
However we are still working on theoretical and experimental
research with the aim of developing some applications and of
understanding the unifying key for the physical laws of
In the research for an unifying theory of QST new
categorization should be introduced. The physical space is
not only the vacuum but a mean, it is the result of the
energy transfer from the electromagnetic waves that had and
that are passing through it. This statement has as a
consequence that the matter is a stationary electromagnetic
wave on local equilibrium with the space.
The first logical step in the QST is the establishment of a
connection between the quantization of energy and the
quantization of the physical space. From the quantum of
action given by Plank's constant (h) we have hypothesized a
reation quantum, equal and opposite to the energy quantum,
from which the physical space is born.
Besides this
evidence, it has been stated also that resonance is the
mechanism that interacts with the space to give birth to
physical matter. Our axioms are:
1 Space is the basic element
that forms matter
2 The space resonance
is the dynamical mechanism which brings matter into
3 The electron is a
stationary wave that oscillates at the natural frequency of
the space (Electron’s Compton frequency)
4 The resonance of the
physical space is redundant, and then a proton (first
nucleon, hydrogen atom) is the consequence of the resonance
of the electron
5 The resonance of the
electron in its natural frequency and in its following
harmonics (double, triple, etc.) gives birth to the nuclei
and the isotopes of the chemical elements |